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Aquascape Pond Salt

Manufacturer: Aquascape
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99416-PondSalt 2lbs
Aquascape Pond Salt- 2 lbs
Treats 1,520 Gallons
SKU: 99416
99417-PondSalt 9lbs
Aquascape Pond Salt- 9 lbs
Treats 6,840 Gallons
SKU: 99417
Aquascape Pond Salt- 40 lbs
Treats 30,400 Gallons
SKU: 40003

Aquascape Pond Salt is pond remedy that accomplishes a wide variety of benefits for your pond and pond fish. Pond Salt helps to reduce the effects of elevated nitrite levels that become toxic to pond fish. It also helps restore natural electrolytes allowing proper gill function when pond fish are under stress and repairs and promotes a natural slime coat necessary for disease prevention. Aquascape Pond Salt can also be used to help prevent a wide variety of diseases common with pond fish.

  • Provides a wide variety of benefits for ponds and pond fish
  • Helps reduce negative effects of elevated nitrite levels
  • Supports proper gill function in pond fish
  • Promotes a natural slime coat and prevents disease