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Botanica Grower's Pot - 10"d x 6"h

Manufacturer: Botanica
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Keep your aquatic plant soil with your aquatic plant instead of in your pond filter with a Botanica Grower's Pot for marginal aquatic plants and small water lilies. This aquatic plant growers pond measures 10" in diameter x 6" high with no holes. Planting pots will also keep Koi and other root eating fish away from the plants delicate roots.

  • Ideal for small marginal plants and small water lilies. As the aquatic plants mature, split and/or re-pot the plants to keep them both growing and removing nutrients from the pond water.
  • Use a clay loam or specially designed aquatic planting soil for best results. Never use potting soil designed for terrestrial plants
  • Regularly fertilize aquatic plants for maximum growth and blooming