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Microbe-Lift PL/Gel

Manufacturer: Microbe-Lift
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Microbe Lift PL GEL8
Microbe-Lift PL/Gel - 8 oz
Treats 1,200 Gallons
Microbe Lift PLGEL16
Microbe-Lift PL/Gel - 16 oz
Treats 2,400 Gallons
Microbe Lift PL GEL32
Microbe-Lift PL/Gel - 32 oz
Treats 4,800 Gallons

Microbe-Lift PL / GEL is a technological breakthrough because it’s the first product that puts bacteria right where you want it and it stays there! PL/GEL will quickly attach to and populate any filter media including foam, strapping, floss, bio-balls, ceramic media, etc. This will help to rapidly establish the necessary biological activity in your filter to stabilize your pond’s environment quickly. It will also help restore this activity to your filter when you clean or change the media in your filter.

  • Easily applies to the filter pads/media without running or getting messy.
  • Contains the same spectrum of bacteria found in Microbe-Lift/PL.
  • Contains naturally occurring biopolymers, helping organisms quickly attach to the media allowing for an 80% reduction in filter start-up time.
  • Helps to stabilize pond environment quickly upon startup and to eliminate transient instability that can occur when filter media is cleaned or replaced.
  • Allows for more frequent cleaning of filters in high solids loading ponds without subsequent biological instability.
  • Reduces the frequency of cleaning by accelerating the breakdown of organic solids that can lead to high maintenance requirements.
  • Helps to establish dentrification in the filter which can lower nitrate levels in the pond.


Spread Microbe-Lift PL/GEL directly on filter pad or media. Wait for 1 to 2 hours to allow the PL/GEL to be absorbed into the pad/media. Insert the pad or media back into the filter or skimmer. After insertion, turn off re-circulating pump for 1 to 2 hours, providing the water can maintain adequate oxygenation without circulation for this amount of time.

Repeat application of PL/GEL: Each cleaning/replacement of filter pads/media; when nitrate levels exceed 0.6 mg/L; or as necessary to maintain optimum performance from your filter or skimmer.