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Knowledge Base

Pond Liner Size Calculator / Pond Volume Calculator
garden pond

Determine the size pond liner you will need for your pond or waterfall and learn how to measure your pond.

Pond & Water Garden Electrical Cost Calculator
water garden

Determine how much it will cost to run your pond pump each month.

Head Pressure Calculator

Determine how many feet of head you will have in order to select the right pump.

Pond-Free Waterfall Basin Calculator

Determine how many gallons per hour you need to get the flow amount you want on your pond free waterfall.

Pond Waterfall Flow Calculator | Koi Pond Waterfall

Determine how many gallons per hour you need to get the flow amount you want.

Basic Pondless Water Feature Chores
Disappearing Water Feature

Adding a pondless water feature to your yard can be a great investment. Whether you want the pleasant sounds of a bubbling fountain or the ambiance of disappearing waterfalls, these additions can really tie together an outdoor area, especially one …